Page 4 - Time to DeLiver: Getting a Grip on HE report 2015
P. 4

Executive Summary

          Chronic advanced liver disease (often            and reducing the risk of hospitalisation.
          called cirrhosis) results from long-term injury  Guidelines from The European Association
          to the liver with hepatic encephalopathy         for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and the
          being a significant complication. Hepatic        American Association for the Study of Liver
          encephalopathy occurs in up to 40% of            Diseases (AASLD) underline the need for
          people with advanced chronic liver disease1      coordinated care, so that everyone involved
          and affects up to 200,000 people in Europe.      can understand how best to manage hepatic
          What’s more, hepatic encephalopathy is           encephalopathy in patients and prevent them
          associated with a poor prognosis and large       being forced to stay in hospital unnecessarily.
          numbers of people will die from the condition.   There are 10 calls to action in total in this
          The symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy are       report, ranging from a call on healthcare
          often subtle and easily missed, meaning that     providers, policy makers and patient
          the condition is generally under-diagnosed.      organisations to work together to properly
          Healthcare providers who are not specialists in  assess the impact of hepatic encephalopathy
          liver disease may only occasionally encounter    on patients and others, to calling for
          patients with advanced chronic liver disease     comprehensive training and education to
          or hepatic encephalopathy. Furthermore, they     ensure healthcare professionals can identify
          may not identify hepatic encephalopathy as a     the symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy and
          possible cause of symptoms.                      take appropriate action.

          Hepatic encephalopathy interferes with
          the way a person interacts socially, their
          sense of well-being and many report feeling
          stigmatised by their disease. This may lead
          to an unintentional barrier preventing patients
          and their caregivers accessing healthcare
          and support services. It is for this reason
          that this report makes a number of calls to
          action, including simplified guidelines which
          define what care and support for people with
          hepatic encephalopathy should look like.
          The guidance has to be easily applicable
          and useable in clinical practice by a range of
          healthcare professionals. Addressing these
          barriers would not only improve the lives of
          patients, but also those of their families and
          caregivers. Importantly, effective diagnosis
          and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy can
          improve outcomes by maintaining remission

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